Learn How To Harness the Power of your Energy 

 Realign & Revitalize - 5 powerful audio tracks designed to guide you in realigning your energy system and clearing out stagnant energy. 

Say goodbye to old programming and tune in to love, self-trust, and abundance.

The Heart Chakra is at the center of the Human Energy system. 

Learn to clear any blocks, increase the flow of energy, and utilize it to get unstuck.   

You'll immediately receive a download with all of the materials. 

To help you take meaningful action, you'll also receive an email course. 

Over two weeks, delivering each component with suggestions for going deeper, integrating changes into everyday life, and opportunities to get your questions answered.

Here's What You'll Get...

5 audios designed to realign your energy system and clear out stagnant energy

The EFT tapping sequence is used to clear out old programming and bring in the new. Enhancing self-love and trust: This technique is designed to help you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back while bringing in a new perspective and self-love.

Guided visualizations and meditations to set the stage for the new experience you are seeking: These guided meditations are designed to help you visualize and consciously create the life you desire. Through deep relaxation, you'll be able to tap into your subconscious mind and create a clear picture of your goals.

Altruist Archetype guide with prompts to help you identify heart chakra blocks and how to clear them

Cheat sheet for EFT tapping points so you can create your own unique tapping sequences: You'll have a visual of all the EFT tapping points, making it easy to follow along or create your own unique tapping sequences that target your specific needs.

This bundle is designed to guide you in realigning your energy system, and you'll be able to release old programming and create new experiences. If you're ready to create the life you desire, get Heart Chakra Realignment Bundle today!

Heart Chakra Realignment Bundle$27

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  • Total payment
  • 1xHeart Chakra Realignment Bundle$27

All prices in USD